Monday, March 10, 2014

The Disadvantages of Buying Second Hand Appliances

Buying pre-owned appliances such as plasma televisions or fridges from friends, family or second hand stores can come with a risk. What’s the history of the product? 

Have they been damaged? Are they still in full working condition? Electrical items all have a date where they will no longer work. Purchasing new products allows for peace of mind with warranty guarantee’s and the ability to return faulty products. So what are the primary disadvantages associated with pre-owned products?


With any new electrical appliance, you are guaranteed to receive warranty. Warranty is vital for electrical items, especially as faults can be a common occurrence and can happen at any time without warning. Purchasing a pre-owned electrical item such as a plasma TV or fridge means running the risk of a product fault and not having any cover.

Electricity Consumption

Pre-owned products generally are a couple of years old. They have lower energy and water ratings which will increase the cost of any electricity bill. For the long term, it’s more beneficial to purchase a new Westinghouse fridge or dishwasher with higher ratings, so as to save money down the track.

Look and Feel

With such a large range of new electrical appliances there will always be the perfect look and feel. Finding the right size, shape, style and brand has never been easier and is one of the most positive benefits of purchasing new electrical appliances.


General wear and tear occurs with all products, whether they are new or pre-owned. The issue with the latter, however, is the possibility of existing minor wear snowballing into a major issue quicker than if using a new appliance.

Be sure to consider the short and long term costs and benefits involved before purchasing pre-owned electrical appliances.

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